Mimi's collectible bears are constructed from the very best materials.

The plush fabric has a strong woven backing and has a real bear feel. Mohair, the ultimate material, gives your bear an old-fashioned look.

Mimi's collectible bears are durable and perfect for that special child in your life. Plush fabric comes in naps from 1/4 inch to 1 inch. Each part of the bear is cut by hand. Special care is taken while cutting the fabric backing. The fur is untouched. Mohair, the more expensive fabric, is perfect for the collector also. Each fabric is handled with care and your bear will bring years of joy.

Mimi's patterns are hand drawn as well as purchased. Hand craftsmanship is what makes these bears special. Each pattern piece is hand cut with the nap of the fur. She trims each seam by hand so there are no bulky seams. Mimi stitches the pieces of each bear securely by machine. Then the pieces are turned.




Pads are stitched by hand to each limb prior to turning. You'll find her special monogram somewhere on a pad so you can identify your bear as her very own creation.

Mimi's Monogram

The next step after turning the pieces is jointing for mobility. Mimi chooses cotter pins with washers and secures each limb for a lifetime of use. Each bear has 10 disks. One disk per limb and another disk where it joins the bear body.

Stuffing for Mimi's bears consist of Fiberfil and also excelsior. Fiberfil bears have weighted plastic pellets to weight and mold the bottom. Old fashioned bears, usually made with mohair, are filled with excelsior, which is spritzed with water prior to stuffing.








All openings are hand stitched snugly and cotter pins are checked for tightness. Each bear is hand inspected at this point to make sure your bear will be handed down generations to come.

The character details come next and are hand crafted. Each ear is sewn on snugly with the ladder hand stitch. Placement of the ears develop a charming expression on your individualized bear.

Bears made for children are all made with Safety Disk eyes. These eyes don't come off. Placement is critical and hand done. Each eye has a pupil. Safety Disk eyes go in before stuffing of the head. On our collectible old-fashion bear of mohair, the shoe button eyes are used. These eyes are easier to control and they attach with a cut and loop.

The nose and mouth are hand stitched with flat embroidery floss, using a satin stitch. The nose and mouth shape develop those adorable expressions that endear the Teddy Bear to our hearts.

Each bear comes with their very own certificate of authenticity.

Certificate of Authenticity

25 Bear Circle
Bear Maker
New York, 12345

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Construction Tools
Country Bear
Bear Necessities