The Teddy Bear Story
The teddy bear's story begins in November 1902 when President Theodore Roosevelt was hunting in Mississippi. After an unsuccessful day, the hunting party brought a small bear cub to the camp for the president to shoot. He refused because the animal did not have a chance to defend itself.

Clifford K. Berryman, cartoonist for The Washington Post at the time, sketched the incident and captured the public's imagination as well as that of American toymakers. Soon the country was flooded with teddy bears.

Cartoon by  Clifford K. Berryman



The story of a president who saved a bear cub's life has a special place in American folklore and inspired the creation of teddy bear plush toys.

The original teddy bear, from 1903, was given to the Smithsonian by Teddy Roosevelt's grandson, Kermit. Today that bear is in the collections of our National Museum of American History.

Theodore Roosevelt
October 27, 1858 -- January 6, 1919

Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy's Bear celebrates the 140th anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt's birth. His certificate is signed by Tweed Roosevelt, the great grandson of the 25th president of the United States.



Teddy's Bear wears pince nez eyeglasses and his name is embroidered on his paw pad. His lucky number is 6143/7500. Tweed Roosevelt recently retraced the route of the 1914 Rio Roosevelt expedition and is a recognized authority on the President and the Roosevelt family.

A book you might enjoy is"The Teddy Bear Men: Theodore Roosevelt and Clifford Berryman, Historical Guide for Collectors" by celebrated bear artist, Linda Mullins. Hobby House Press, 1998. "This is a real fun book, full of cartoons and photos, and lots of information".

The Teddy Bear Men Book

25 Bear Circle
Bear Maker
New York, 12345


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The above information was found on the Internet on a bear site entitled Bear Hollow. This is the 100th birthday of the Teddy Bear.

Bear Necessities